Gambling of any sort is not permitted on the Club’s premises. 
Members and their guests will be bound by the Club’s dress code as detailed on the Club’s website and other informational materials. The Proprietor reserves the right to deny entry to any member or guest who fails to comply with the Dress Code. 
The Club’s Spa and Fitness facilities are subject to their own set of specific rules detailed in a separate document that shall be made available to members upon request at any time. 
Members and their guests are asked to refrain from bringing in food and beverages from outside the Club unless medically required to do so. 
The Proprietor will from time to time require members to have restricted access to some or all the Club’s premises for maintenance purposes and/or private hire of the facilities without members having recourse to compensation of this temporary restriction of access. 
Please address all correspondence and inquiries about the Club to the Membership Team using the contact details provided on the Club’s website and other written materials.